SARO is San Antonio’s largest repeater organization, with over a dozen supported repeaters in 6 meters, 2 meters, 220 and 440, including a DSTAR digital repeater.
Public Service Opportunities
SARO members help with multiple non-profit or public service type events throughout the year. SARO is the lead organization behind the San Antonio BikeMS / MSride in October. Here is a short list of the major events for which SARO members can usually be found providing services:
- June – Texas Water Safari (Canoe race from San Marcos – Gulf Coast) (5 days) – Contact WB5ZJQ
- October – BikeMS Valero Ride to the River (2 days) – Contact N5MYN
Membership renewals and new member applications are now being accepted. Please download and print a copy of application. If your call sign has renewed / changed, or if you are a first time member, please include a photo copy of your license attached to the application form.
Click here for membership application.
Quarterly Membership Meetings
Membership meetings are always open to the public, and visitors are always welcomed! We hold our meetings on the 4th Friday of January, April, July and October. Check out the Home Page for the date / time / location of our next membership meeting.
Board meetings are generally open to all members, and are held as needed, usually on a monthly basis. Contact any club officer to find out the date, time and location of the next SARO Board meeting.

Did you know that the Skywarn Net is always on the 146.94 SARO Repeater? You will likely be hearing a beep on the frequency to indicate that Skywarn has been activated, and the net control will be using a script similar to the following:
This is WA5UNH opening the SKYWARN Net on the 146.94 repeater. This is a directed net so please listen to the Net Control Operator for instructions. We will be asking for first hand reports of SEVERE weather such as damaging winds, heavy rain, hail, flooding, etc. We are not interested in where it isn’t raining or if you have blue sky overhead. Please only report what the Net Control requests unless you experience an emergency.