Membership renewals and new member applications are now being accepted. Please download and print a copy of application. If your call sign has renewed / changed, or if you are a first time member, please include a photo copy of your license attached to the application form. Please download and print a copy of application. If your call sign has renewed / changed, or if you are a first time member, please include a photo copy of your license attached to the application form.

Please download and print this on your computer. This must accompany any renewals or applications mailed in. We need a copy if you register / renew in person also, but we usually have blanks available at all meetings. Don’t just mail a check or your renewal may get delayed.
Membership in SARO is open to any licensed Amateur Radio Operator. We hold 4 meetings a year, quarterly, normally at 7:00pm on the 4th Friday of January, April, July and October. The location is subject to change and will always be announced on this website prior to the meeting. Occasionally, the April meeting changes up/back a week due to the San Antonio Fiesta week going on in that month.
Membership is $15/year, with a $10 application fee (one time) for new members.