San Antonio Repeater Organization

"Serving the Amateur Community for 44 Years."


Home | Officers | Committees | Repeaters | Events | Bulletin | Meeting Directions
SARO Q&A | Membership | Ham Links | Ham Links

The SARO Bulletin is published quarterly. SARO General Membership meetings are held quarterly, the 4th Friday in January, April, July and October.

Subscription and advertisements for personal equipment are free to SARO members.

We have posted downloadable links to our current and back issues of the Bulletin in Adobe PDF format. You must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader (free) from These files may be very large and slow downloading especially across a dial-up connection, depending upon how many photos, etc. were in each issue.

January 2012 SARO Bulletin

January 2012 (33kb)

October 2006 SARO Bulletin
October 2006 (805kb size)
MS150 Coverage - Lots of photos

Bulletin January 2007

January 2007 (350kb)

March 2009 SARO Bulletin

March 2009 (211kb)

January 2005 Issue (270kb)
Elections, 147.14 Repeater, SK KD5KO


April 2005 Issue (130kb)
Upcoming Public Service Events, Info about Texas VFH-FM Society changes, ARRL Band Plan proposal.


October 2005 Issue (485kb)
MS150 Coverage - Lots of photos

April 2004 Issue (212kb)


July 2004 Issue (218kb)


October 2004 Issue (280kb)
MS150 Coverage

October 2003 Issue (1.3mb- lots of photos)
MS150 Coverage


July 2003 Issue (150kb)


January 2004 Issue (200kb)


Home | Officers | Committees | Repeaters | Events | Bulletin | Meeting Directions | SARO Q&A | Membership | Ham Links

San Antonio Repeater Organization
P.O. Box 1753
San Antonio, Texas 78296
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